The cover letter is a central part of any job application. Here are 10 Must-Haves that will make your cover letter stand out positively.
Nobody ever told me how an interview for a “real” job is different from one for an internship. So let’s talk about what to expect from a job interview after graduation.
Writing good dissertations takes months of hard work. Here are 3 things to do with your final dissertation that nobody tells you.
It’s often hard to differentiate between a good work environment and a bad one. So here are 10 things to watch out for during your job hunt!
Resumes should provide maximum information with the least amount of words necessary. So, here are 22 things that should be on your resume.
Negotiating your salary for the first time can be exciting. However, it’s not an easy task. For you to be prepared, let’s talk about what you need to know.
Have you ever struggled with what to put on your resume? We get it! So here’s a list of 20 things that shouldn’t be on your resume.
In the last few years, you hear more and more about people quitting jobs to boost their salary or to get the promotion they deserve. The big question often is: to quit or not to quit?
Have you ever thought becoming a freelancer right after graduation? Lynn Kühner is a successful freelance presenter, editor, and podcaster who did exactly that. In this interview, she shares her story and tells us more more about how to start a successful freelance business.
“No pain, no gain”, “Grind now. Shine later.” or “You can sleep when you are old”. All those quotes play a part in the toxic mindset of hustle culture, so let’s talk about why hustle culture is not good for you!