Have you tried to write a resume, but struggled with what information to put on it? Your resume is among the first things a recruiter sees when you apply for a job. That’s why it’s important to get it right. However, there are certain things that shouldn’t be on a resume. So here is a list of 20 things that shouldn’t be on your resume.

20 Things that Shouldn’t be on Your Resume
- Hobbies
- Personal interests
- Spelling mistakes
- Grammatical errors
- Walls of text
- Too much information without bullets points
- Descriptions of soft skills
- Fancy fonts
- Vague descriptions of your previous work experiences
- Fancy colors and styles
- Company jargon
- Tiny fonts
- Unprofessional e-mail address
- Links to private social media profiles
- Personal information regarding, sexual orientation, marital status, or religious beliefs
- Charts
- Images other than your profile picture (if required by custom)
- References
- Multiple columns on one page
- The personal pronoun “I”
There you have it, a useful list of things you might want to reconsider before putting them on your resume. Of course, it also depends on the context in some cases. For example, did you know that putting a profile picture on your resume is highly common in Germany, but no in the US or UK?
Writing resumes can be very daunting, so if you need support, don’t hesitate to message us!
Until then, make sure to check out our other posts, here.
If you have any more no-go’s to add, let us know in the comments below!
See you soon,